28/05/2020 às 18:27 Photography tips

5 Creative Ways for Sparking Creativity and Inspiration.

3min de leitura

It feels good I'm receiving tons of feedback about my 7 Steps for a Healthy Social Media Cleaning that I'm thinking on Going Live next week to go deep on the method. But for today, I want to talk about my favorite ways for Boosting your Daily Inspiration. As you all know, I try to be consistent in my captions on Instagram, but it was not always easy. 

I spent so much time struggling with what to write and how to tell stories not only with images but with complete sentences. Do you know what I mean? Sometimes I just wrote X&Y Wedding and got stuck with the story. And I know you want to know the details.

That is why I sat on my desk today to write about what I'm consistently doing to get better on this. You got this! Let's jump into it.

1. First of all, the key to everything is to Take Action. You have heard me say it a lot. And I mean it. There is a genius quote from Michael Jordan that says “I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” But you know, he appeared to all those 300 games, even after he missed the game-winning shot. he was there and he kept doing what he loves. Now it's our turn to do things. If you came across an idea write it down. It can be in a notebook you carry always with you (I'm old fashioned and love my notebook and pen), or it can be in your favorite productivity app. Have I told you about mines yet?2. Try something completely random each week. This is not saying "Sí, Señor" to everything, but accept challenges or new ideas. They will allow you to think "out of the box". Instead of using the same route choose a long one. If someone invites you to a challenge, accept it. Never say never as you might be losing great opportunities in the way. 

3. Go for a walk around your corner paying attention to what is happening around you. Or, you can sit on a bench for 30 minutes and observe your surroundings. I used to do this a lot while traveling. My first stage is just sitting on a bench each day for 30 minutes. Then I will try to anticipate what the persons will do. This also helps me to practice daily for my weddings. I always say to the couples that I have "sight beyond sight", but it's actually daily practice.

4. Take your phone each day to make 5 pictures. They don't need to be perfect, but you have to continue doing them. Then, try to invent a story including the majority of them. You don't need to write it down, but it's my advice to do it. You can record yourself too. Just practice.5. Schedule! And try to give 30 minutes up to 1-hour to each activity. No more on the same day. Then use 10-min of Free Time between activities. Doing less will allow you to accomplish more.

I hope these 5 tips help you to get more creative, productive, and organized in your daily life.

See you next time,

Joanna, your Amsterdam photographer


28 Mai 2020

5 Creative Ways for Sparking Creativity and Inspiration.

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amsterdam business owner business owner creativity entrepreneurship how to be more creative inspiration wedding photographer

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